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Welcome to our blog, where we discuss various topics relating to change management and business process optimisation.

  • At Primo Consulting, we’ve noticed a few prominent change management issues that are affecting businesses of all sizes. These are: Companies wanting to become more or fully AI enabled Cultural problems which developed with working from home Employees, both administrative as well as technical staff, being unable to meet the CTQ (critical to quality) aspects of their positions - be it in-house or customer needs. Our aim is to assist companies in becoming and remaining competitive in an ever increasingly tough economic environment, both nationally and globally. To achieve this, we

  • At Primo Consulting, we are ideally suited to facilitate the process of gearing your company up to be more or fully AI enabled. Here is why: We have an associate who is regarded as one of the country’s top-notch AI specialists, and We at Primo Consulting have more than 30 years of HR and change management practice/consulting services. One of our major strengths lies in the fact that we work closely together with the AI specialists to facilitate and bring about the appropriate organisational structural changes, the required cultural shifts, as well

  • Fast change had been the order of the day during the past year. It speaks for itself that if companies want to remain competitive, managements should be revisiting their strategic plans and enterprise architecture to ensure it addresses any latest developments. Secondly, and of great importance, we would strongly recommend that managements consider adopting the Lean Six Sigma management methodology to ensure that whatever has been put in place is securely managed. In short – Lean Six Sigma is: A scientifically proven methodology. A world-renowned management system that makes use of breakthrough

  • In this blog we focus on the Balanced Scorecard – with an emphasis on balance, alignment and improvement. The facets of the Balanced Scorecard are as shown below. Note: In light of experience, we at Primo Consulting view culture as an integral part of the scorecard. The new norm demands quick action from all businesses. It is obvious that the pressure for change and adaptations has led to shortcomings and/or mistakes being made in devising new processes and systems. Some examples of this include: Expecting IT staff to develop new systems without

  • Enterprise Architecture (EA), is comparable to the engine room of a ship. It is where body is given to the strategic plans of a company. As we stated in our previous article, Strategic Planning (2021) – but with a difference, the adjustment to the new norm and the pandemic can be quite daunting. The same can be said for this facet of the strategic planning process. Some aspects of EA, as a rule, are addressed in broad, direction-giving terms, during a strategic planning exercise. Take a look at the 5 aspects

  • Simultaneous bottom up and top-down planning is more essential now than ever before because of the major shifts and demands brought about by the pandemic, and the need to make use of digitisation as much as possible and as quickly as possible. As adjusting to the new norm and the pandemic is quite a daunting exercise, we at Primo Consulting believe it is essential to point out keyways to assist managements to devise the most effective strategic plans that will help optimise their business processes to either remain competitive or become

  • This facet of the change manage process comprises of four areas, namely, 1. financial analysis, 2. customer needs analysis, 3. people (skills development), and 4. business process optimisation. The one area that is sadly neglected and not even explicitly mentioned in the Balanced Scorecard facet is the cultural analysis/adjustment required to ensure that the aforementioned areas are addressed and processed in the most effective and efficient way. Point: We all work with and depend on people and people skills! This balanced scorecard facet is of absolute importance in the change management

  • EA can be equated with the engine room of a ship, because it is here where companies put in place the necessary architectures (systems) which will ensure that the strategic goals can be met in the most cost effective and efficient way. However, adjusting to the new norm is quite a daunting task, as it has brought to the fore that for companies to remain competitive or to be ‘tops’, they must make maximum use of digital transformation, AI and big data - in the shortest possible time. In addition, a bottom

  • In last week’s blog, we addressed how simultaneous bottom up and top down planning is more essential now than ever before because of the major shifts and demands brought about by the quick development of the new norm. This week we’re addressing the ‘top down’ planning aspect. As adjusting to the new norm is quite a daunting exercise, we at Primo Consulting believe it essential to point out key ways to assist managements to devise the most effective strategic plans that will help optimise their business processes to either remain competitive

  • In our article last week, we spoke about the general poor customer service that exists and the lack of analysis of company cultures and sub-cultures, and the adjustment thereof. Because of the major shifts and demands that were brought about by the quick development of the new norm, and the increased need for competitiveness, simultaneous bottom up and top down planning is more essential now than ever before. It is for this reason that we at Primo Consulting would strongly recommend that companies make sure that the outcomes of the following

  • It is evident that in many instances it is not so! Two essential areas which is proof hereof are: The pathetic customer service of many a large company (not to even mention government departments) – the former statement is a true reflection of the casual remarks made by many a customer! And secondly, That hardly anything has been mentioned about the studying/analysing/planning of constructive action plans to change/minimise the possible negative effects of possible new sub - culture developments. The influence of negative subcultures not being managed properly is a

  • We all are excited by the dawn of the new norm - it has brought several advantages to the fore, and there are more to come! However, doing justice to our company name, Primo Consulting (meaning ‘tops’ in our class) we feel it necessary to point out a number of alerts to companies. Herewith some of it: The virtual customer services of some well-known major companies (not even mentioning government departments) are pathetic, to say the least. What is of even greater concern, is that one hears about how companies can/will score

  • That the pandemic has forced companies/institutions into our ‘new normal’, is a fact. The virtual reality, which is the way to go, has laid out a number of problems and needs in this transitional phase. What companies/institutions need right now is professional guidance with regard to: strategic changes, changes to their enterprise architecture (the ‘engine room’ of a company), changes to their business processes (the way work is being performed), the optimisation thereof and managing the ‘new’ cultural demands - be it only temporarily or permanent, to name but a few. We

  • The culture in an organisation can best be described as ‘the way we do things here’. It is a concept that many consider to be ‘fairly woolly’. This is mainly due to the fact that so little is being offered in the public domain as to its importance, as well as the ‘how’ of addressing it in a formal planned way to ensure that a company or organisation becomes branded as the company/organisation of choice in terms of product or service delivery. Managing Company Culture To become and remain being branded as

  • This week we will discuss the fourth leg of the Business Scorecard, namely Business Process Optimisation. With the advent of the pandemic, most companies were forced to change some of their business processes, either to develop new, ‘adapted’ products, and/or to make changes to the way they do business – whether internal changes to keep existing clients, or to enter new markets. Experience has it that in any event, companies have to, from time to time, optimise their business processes to either remain competitive or become market leaders - more so

  • In line with our undertaking to place a facet of the change management process weekly, herewith this week’s article. Innovative Capabilities & Skills Development is the third step in the Balanced Scorecard framework – the latter being an essential part in the change management facilitation process. It is well known that many a company has had to adopt revised/new short-to-medium, and even long-term strategic plans, in order to grow and remain in business, or even to survive in the current and forecasted economic circumstances. It speaks for itself that now is the time

  • As stated previously, each week we will endeavour to place an aspect of the change management consultancy process on our blog. Thus far we have covered in order of priority, scenario planning, strategic planning and enterprise architecture. This week we will commence with the next step in the change management process namely, the Balanced Scorecard methodology. It consists of four parts: financial analysis; user (customer) needs analysis; analysis of the innovative capabilities of a company, as well as its skills development programs. analysis of all the business processes. Financial Analysis Because of the

  • Each week, we aim to post an article about change management, which is very relevant for companies and institutions in the fast-changing environment which has been brought about by the pandemic. After scenario planning and strategic planning, the most important facet of change management that leaders of businesses and institutions should pay attention to, is the Enterprise Architecture (EA) of their companies/institutions. Definition: EA is the construct of that which makes up an organisation/institution; how it functions now and how it will function in the future. It is at the ‘heart’ of

  • As stated last week, it is an undeniable fact that change management is currently the order of the day. Each week, we will be writing articles about every facet of the change management system/philosophy. This week’s article is about strategic planning, the logical step after the scenario planning exercise has been completed. It is a fact that most companies are forced to reconsider, revise and possibly change their strategic plans. It speaks for itself that your strategic planning needs to cover the short term strategic tactics to cope with or adjust to the

  • It’s undeniable that change management is currently the order of the day. Each week, we’ll be writing step-by-step articles about every facet of the change management system/philosophy. With the pandemic we’re facing, and the fact that circumstances can change any day, Primo Consulting recommends that proper scenario planning be done as soon as possible. Effectively managing change requires skills such as adaptability, versatility, creativity, leadership, fearlessness, open-mindedness, and empathy – to name a few. The Importance of Working with a Renowned Scenario Planner We believe no company in our present circumstances should endeavour to

  • Every institution/organisation, including yours, is going through a great deal of change at the moment due to COVID-19. History has shown that institutions/companies who manage change swiftly and effectively, are generally the ones that can adapt and succeed the best. Primo Consulting offers change management consulting, and is fully equipped to assist businesses & institutions in these trying times. Over time, we have positioned ourselves to excel as change management consultants. Here’s how we can help your institution/business. We are fully equipped to facilitate: The strategic planning/re-planning/re-positioning of any company or institution. The necessary

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