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The New Norm – Scenario / Strategic Planning

In last week’s blog, we addressed how simultaneous bottom up and top down planning is more essential now than ever before because of the major shifts and demands brought about by the quick development of the new norm. This week we’re addressing the ‘top down’ planning aspect.

As adjusting to the new norm is quite a daunting exercise, we at Primo Consulting believe it essential to point out key ways to assist managements to devise the most effective strategic plans that will help optimise their business processes to either remain competitive or become market leaders.

Scenario Planning

It is our view that a professional scenario planner is required to guide managements through the most plausible ways that the new norm can turn out in an everchanging land scape of South Africa. For this purpose, we strongly recommend an associate of ours, who is a world-renowned scenario planner, to guide our customers through this process.

Strategic Planning Process

Experience has it that managements need a professional change management consultant to guide them through the strategic planning exercise steps:

  • 1. clarification of their current profile,
  • 2. the analysis of strategic variables
  • 3. the exploration of different driving forces,
  • 4. the development of competitive profiles,
  • 5. testing of these profiles, up to the drawing up of a strategic profile, and
  • 6. the identification of critical issues.

It is recommended that key decision makers contact our change management specialist, Nankie de Wit, on 082 824 3724 or email [email protected] [email protected] to arrange a meeting/presentation via Zoom, in the above regard.

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