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enterprise architecture business strategy execution

Enterprise Architecture (EA) – a key component of strategy execution

EA can be equated with the engine room of a ship, because it is here where companies put in place the necessary architectures (systems) which will ensure that the strategic goals can be met in the most cost effective and efficient way.

However, adjusting to the new norm is quite a daunting task, as it has brought to the fore that for companies to remain competitive or to be ‘tops’, they must make maximum use of digital transformation, AI and big data – in the shortest possible time.

In addition, a bottom up and top down approach needs to be followed. For any purposeful driven enterprise architectural (systems) change, a study needs to be done at the operational process level in order to determine where and how to maximise the benefits to be gained from digitising systems, implementing AI & the use of big data.

It is recommended that key decision makers contact our change management specialist, Nankie de Wit, on 082 824 3724 or email [email protected] to arrange a meeting/presentation via Zoom, in the above regard.

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