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Strategic Planning

Strategic Planning

As stated last week, it is an undeniable fact that change management is currently the order of the day.

Each week, we will be writing articles about every facet of the change management system/philosophy.

This week’s article is about strategic planning, the logical step after the scenario planning exercise has been completed.

It is a fact that most companies are forced to reconsider, revise and possibly change their strategic plans.

It speaks for itself that your strategic planning needs to cover the short term strategic tactics to cope with or adjust to the present demands in order to remain competitive.

We would like to emphasize that in order to carry out the aforementioned exercises, it requires skills such as adaptability, versatility, creativity, leadership, fearlessness, open-mindedness, and empathy, to name but a few.

As change management consultants, we would like to offer our facilitation services to effectively carry out the aforementioned exercises.

For more information, contact Nankie de Wit at 082 824 3724 or email [email protected]

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