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The New Norm Is Here – But Are All The Substructures In Place?

The new norm is here – but are all the substructures in place?

It is evident that in many instances it is not so! Two essential areas which is proof hereof are:

  • The pathetic customer service of many a large company (not to even mention government departments) – the former statement is a true reflection of the casual remarks made by many a customer! And secondly,
  • That hardly anything has been mentioned about the studying/analysing/planning of constructive action plans to change/minimise the possible negative effects of possible new sub – culture developments. The influence of negative subcultures not being managed properly is a well-known fact!

It is recommended that decision makers contact our change management specialist, Nankie de Wit, on 082 824 3724 to arrange a meeting/presentation via Zoom, in the above regard.

For more information about the range of change management services provided by our company, please visit our services page.

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